Kate Anderson: Mosaics

Born in London

Hammersmith College of Art and Design, London.
Foundation Course.
Maidstone College of Art and Design, Kent.
B.A. Course in Art and Design, the School of Painting.
Viswa Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal, India.
Post-graduate Commonwealth Scholarship for Sculpture.
Community Education Staff Development Unit, Cricket Road Centre, Oxford.
Adult Learning City and Guilds Certificate.

Qualifications and Awards:
B.A.Diploma in Fine Art – First Class Honours, special recommendation.
Post-graduate Commonwealth Award in Sculpture.
City and Guilds Adult Learning Certificate.
Craftmakers Award, the Scottish Arts Council.
Art and Craft Marketing Grant.

BAMM – British Association for Modern Mosaic
Spring Fling Open Studios Association
Spring Fling/Upland CIC Committee Member and Director 2009 -2011
Scottish Artists Union

Related Ebooks and Publications:
Mosaic Art Yearbook (several years) – portfolio of International contemporary mosaic.
DGB Life magazine – Edition No.9. –An article about my work: ‘Mosaic Magic’.
Mosaic Art Now – 2008 catalogue edition. Juried selected mosaic work, Mosaic Rocks, U.S.A.
Scottish Natural Heritage article about commissioned mosaic : ‘New Abbey Wildlife Mosaic Revealed’, 2006.
Aspire Magazine – my own article on mosaic work, published by I.T.P. Publishing Group. Dubai, U.A.E. 2010.
Andamento, research journal, my own article: ‘A timeless Partnership’, focused on mosaics in West Scotland, published by BAMM, 2009.
ArtNews Scotland –Edition 11, 2009 – feature article about my work.
Craftscotland featured maker of the month online November 2010.
Various articles for BAMM magazines over several years.